PROPHETIC WARNING: A New Storm Brewing: Pestilence Comes!


The YouTube video titled “PROPHETIC WARNING: A New Storm Brewing: Pestisilence Comes!” by LatterRain333 is a prophetic message. The host of the LatterRain333 YouTube channel introduces herself and the purpose of the video. She shares that she is a vessel for messages, dreams, and warnings she receives from Jesus Christ.

In the video, LatterRain333 shares messages, dreams, and warnings she claims to have received from Jesus Christ. She warns about another plague or pestilence that she believes is coming. She mentions that she has been shown that the skin and blood will be affected by this upcoming pestilence. She believes that the Lord is warning His people to get healthy, strengthen their bodies, and boost their immune systems in preparation for this event.

Credit: LatterRain333

Prophetic Warning

Previous Warnings

LatterRain333 recalls her previous warnings about plagues and pestilences that she has received since 2018. She also mentions a warning about a mystery virus she received in December 2019, which later turned into a full pandemic.

New Warning

She then shares a new warning about another plague that is coming. According to her, this plague will affect the skin and blood. She believes that this is a warning from the Lord for His people to strengthen their bodies and boost their immune systems.

Message from the Lord

The Coming Storm

LatterRain333 reads a message she received from the Lord. The message warns of a new storm brewing on the horizon, a dark black cloud filled with the power of the enemy. It mentions a pathogen that will sweep the world in record time, having demonic origins and tapping into the ancient ones.

Call to Health

The message from the Lord calls people to seek pure, undefiled food and strengthen their bodies. It encourages people to claim healing through God’s promises in the word.

Spiritual Warfare

The message emphasizes the importance of binding and loosening principles in spiritual warfare, citing Matthew 16:19.

Additional Message

Preparation for a Pandemic

LatterRain333 shares an additional message she heard, warning that a pandemic is coming and advising people to prepare for it by losing weight, stopping eating sugar, and getting in shape.


Biblical Verses

Towards the end of the video, LatterRain333 shares healing verses from the Bible, including Jeremiah 17:14 and James 5:16. She emphasizes the power of Jesus’s wounds in healing, as stated in the Bible.

Final Thoughts

She concludes the video with encouragement and prayer, urging viewers to meditate on verses from the Bible and walk in the abundant life and freedom that Jesus offers.

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